Amina is in her mid-twenties lady, wise earlier than her age would suggest, passionate and very open lady. When I saw Amina, I perceived exterior calmness but with sensuality exploding from the inside. Amina is very smart and exudes a very special kind of attraction. She could spring from the pages of a Cervantes novel and could very well be the kind of beautiful and enticing women depicted in his novels, Amina is well educated and truly radiates a very special sexual energy. She is definitely not shy – and is clearly beautiful and gorgeous!
Based in Italy at the moment due to her modelling engagements, Amina previously used to raise the heat in Ibiza’s most elegant areas. Amina knows what “high class” means because she comes from a high class and highly-educated background herself. She has seen the world and that is discreetly obvious from her attractive energy. Just have a look at her photos and linger on her beauty as a prelude to experiencing her in person.
VIP Florence escort Amina also leads a remarkably healthy lifestyle - perhaps another source of her energy. She has a friendly and positive attitude that combined with everything else can entice you to experience unforgettable moments.